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Watching Love Retreat
– Poem By Nile Flores (originally written in 2007)
I cried at night
Your words and actions still running through my mind
Dreaming that you still loved me
– but you didn’t anymore
In the rudest way,
after all my investments,
I tried to keep our conversation line open
– but you shut it down
cutting it cleaning with the crisp snap of metal scissors
I was alone again
– learning to cope with single-dom, but failing miserably
– with a big fat ‘F’ in Single’s Training School
The worst thing about it all,
was that you were confusing
We were at the apex of our relationship,
almost ready for a committed future together,
and then you withdrew like a desperate retreating army during war
It left me in kneeling in defeat,
soggy knees sinking into the trenches of a foggy morning
I didn’t win anything, but I felt defeated
I can never hold you again,
and it was not even my fault
You were immature and unready for commitment
How could I ever have thought you would’ve ever been ready for such a thing
Now it doesn’t matter
I have a new road to journey
– and you do too
Good luck with love
May your retreat be swift to reduce the hurt in my heart