Back in mid 2001, I had ended a long relationship that had also been long distance. The guy had frankly taken the cowards way out and just eased himself out of the picture without much of . We had originally met while working at Cedar Point and he had been on Work Visa from his country- Colombia.
He definitely had been a great guy. I had gotten to go to Colombia and see a lot of things that most people never get to see. We had a great time and I honestly had fallen in love with him. He came back to work each summer and for a time, after his second summer, he stayed longer and moved with a cousin in Wisconsin. That’s when our relationship oddly faded. I learned not to chase a guy from this relationship as I spent a month and a half emailing or trying to call him with no luck.
However, over half a year after the breakup or what I call a fade out (lol), I eventually dated and met the guy who I had eventually married (who is now my ex-husband.) My ex-boyfriend oddly started talking to me again and I had to set him straight that our relationship had been over for more than half a year. This is how this poem came about.
Poem written by Nile Flores in early 2002
You promised to come back.
I always told you I was patient
but no longer- can I wait.
Loneliness is not me forté.
I hope you understand
that when you visit me again
I will have my own family-
our old relationship gone.
Though memorable it was,
do not be jealous of my love-
for it was not his fault
that I fell out of love with you.
It was your fault- putting me on a shelf.
For that was no fair.
Never to kiss you.
Never to wake at your side.
For your sake and mine
move on with your life quickly.
Find a girl that you will love
and never remember me again.
For it is only hair for her.
As an after thought-
you could have been the one,
but your priorities were elsewhere.
I do understand that completely.
So accept me as a friend
or do not speak forever more,
but never speak as a lover again.
I am taken.