I've always understood the term "Indian giving" as something that was given, but was taken back unfairly. It's frowned on. It's somewhat similar to there with being given something, and it being held over your head, when the giver isn't in agreement with you on something completely dumb. Just to … [Read more...]
Everyone Wants My Email Address!!!
When I go shopping at the mall and some outlet stores, I hear from the sales clerk, “What is your email address?” And I am like, “Huh? Why?” “So you can be updated with new items from the store?” is the response I most commonly hear from the sales clerk. I do understand why companies are … [Read more...]
Disappointed In MTV
Now, it is great that MTV allows people to push the envelope on a lot of things, but their awards have gone down the toilet… literally. Every year, a worse host than the last is chosen. Every year, more poorly scripted jokes than the previous. I almost wanted to cry when Kiefer Sutherland went below … [Read more...]