Online dating is not as easy as it seems. I think more people hookup on Facebook than some of the online dating sites. And there's a reason for it- most of the guys that participate have no fucking clue on how to fill out their profile or even care. And usually its because they aren't really … [Read more...]
Online Dating: Fill Out Your Profile!
All these online dating sites are suppose to be for people to get to know each other, and see if they are compatible. However, a lot of cases, people aren't filling out their profiles. It's not cool to leave it blank, or put some non-chalant cool looking phrase. A lot of people complain about … [Read more...]
Dating and The ‘No Filter” Excuse
I don't mind people who have no filter, but there has to be some form of self control. Just because you think it, doesn't always means you have to share it. In fact, I've noticed a lot of people make an excuse that they have 'no filter'. No, you don't have any self control, and may even on some … [Read more...]