Reading Time: 2 minutes
When I go shopping at the mall and some outlet stores, I hear from the sales clerk, “What is your email address?”
And I am like, “Huh? Why?”
“So you can be updated with new items from the store?” is the response I most commonly hear from the sales clerk.
I do understand why companies are jumping on the bandwagon to snag email addresses, but when I get tons of spam, even outside my server’s Spam Assassin and all the filters I have placed, it gets to be tiresome.
SO… I stopped giving out my email address at the stores.
And if you notice, a lot of stores, especially in the United States (usually within the mall and some select stores), they even ask for zip code. I am sure it has to do with how the company can gauge where they should be advertising, and also alert the main headquarters statistics on where their customers are coming from.
However, I am a bit leery of beign asked for my email address. I already spend enough time online that if I really wanted to know about what is new in a store, I would subscribe directly from the store’s website, rather than ask clerks to type in an extra field and make people wait a little longer. Give them a break.
I think if companies truly want to reach their shoppers, especially since there are so many people online, even on Facebook – invest in advertising to attract fans to subscribe. Use the power of social media, rather than make store sales clerks feel like they are encouraging spam. I feel sorry for them. The one time I worked for a retailer I refused to ask for email addresses and gave the general manager a logical response. It just cheapens the experience and really, all people want to do is buy what they took off the rack or shelf and go on to the next thing they want to do.